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SSL Certificates

You can use a self-signed certificate or a trusted certificate from an SSL Certificate Authority. If you plan to use a self-signed certificate for one of your sites, you can generate it below. To use a trusted certificate, upload or provide the certificate below, after you have received the SSL certificate from your trusted provider.

Certificates on Server

Domains Issuer Expiration (UTC) Key Type Description Actions
There are no certificates on the server.

Upload a New Certificate

Use this form to upload a certificate provided by a third-party Certificate Authority. You may either paste the body of the certificate or upload it from a “.crt” file.


Generate a New Certificate

Use this form to generate a new, self-signed certificate for your domain. Typically, self-signed certificates are temporarily used until you receive a trusted SSL certificate from your SSL certificate authority.

Provide the FQDNs that you are trying to secure, one per line. You may also use wildcard domains by adding an asterisk in a domain name in the form: * (Certificates with multiple domains are sometimes called “UCCs” or “SAN certificates”.)
Provide the complete name for the city or locality. Do not use abbreviations.
Provide the complete name for the state or province. Do not use abbreviations.
Choose the country of origin for the certificate’s company.
Provide the legally-registered name for your business. If your company name includes symbols other than a period or comma, check with your certificate authority to confirm that they are acceptable.
Provide the name of the division or group within the above company. If the division includes symbols other than a period or comma, check with your certificate authority to confirm that they are acceptable.
Provide a valid email address where you can be contacted for verification of domain ownership.