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Email Filters

Please create a filter below. You can add multiple rules to match subjects, addresses, or other parts of the message. You can then add multiple actions to take on a message such as to deliver the message to a different address and then discard it.

The filter name must be unique. If you give the filter the same name as another filter, the previous filter will be overwritten.


Hint: To filter all mail that Apache SpamAssassin™ has marked as spam, just choose “Spam Status” and “begins with”, then enter “Yes” in the box.

Hint: To filter all mail that Apache SpamAssassin™ has marked with a spam score of 5.0 or greater, choose Spam Bar and contains, then enter “+++++” in the box (Note: If you wanted to match a spam score of 4, you would use ++++`. A spam score of 3 would be +++, etc).